Common Q & A
Can I exchange tickets for an alternate date?
Yes, if a conflict arises with one of the performances, one free exchange per customer per season for an alternate date is possible, based upon availability.
Are there any discounts on purchasing tickets?
Yes, there are ways to save on purchasing tickets - invite 8 or more friends to one performance and qualify for a 20% discount or purchase all 3 Special Events and save 20% off. (Special Events are always discounted 20% for series subscribers). ​​​
What is your refund policy?
Our stated policy is “All Sales are Final”, but we understand that things happen, so we make every reasonable effort to accommodate life’s little twists and turns. If you have a legitimate reason for seeking a refund, please contact Customer Service.
What time do the concerts start?
All concerts begin at 8 pm. The doors open one hour prior at 7 pm.